The Curriculam of Attorneys-at-Law course

The Attorneys- at- Law course consists of 3 years of lectures for those who gain admission through the Entrance Examination. Prescribed courses are required to be taken in the first, second and third years. Law graduates are entitled to certain exemptions.

 Subjects for the First Year

  • Legal History and Legal Systems of Sri Lanka, including Roman Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Law of Persons including Personal Laws
  • Constitutional law
  • Industrial Law
  • Law of Obligations-I (Contract)
  • Legislative Drafting and Statutory Interpretation
  • Environmental Law or Conflict of Laws

Subjects for the Second Year

  •  Law of Property (2 papers)
  • Law of Obligations -II (Delicts)
  • Jurisprudence
  • Law of Trusts
  • Administrative Law
  • International Law or Revenue Law or Intellectual Property Law or Construction Law and Arbitration Law

Subjects for the Third Year

  •  Commercial law (2 papers)
  • Civil Procedure and Pleadings (2 papers)
  • Law of Evidence
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Conveyancing
  • Trust Accounts Book Keeping and Professional Ethics

 Apprenticeship –

 All students are required to follow a practical training course and serve a period of apprenticeship of six months under a lawyer of at least 8 years standing prior to applying for admission to the Bar

Practical training course –

 Students who pass the final examination are required to follow a practical training course conducted by the Sri Lanka Law College. The practical training course is intended to impart certain skills that a practicing lawyer is required to possess. It involves taking part in mock trials and moots, drafting pleadings, taking part in legal aid work and participation in workshops on subjects such as pleadings, negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution.


 Graduates of the Bachelor of Laws of the University of Colombo,Open University of Sri Lanka, University of Jaffna and University of Perdeniya are exempted from :-

(i)            Attending Lectures;

(ii)           Preliminary and the Intermediate Examinations, provided the student has passed in the prescribed subjects at the LL.B examinations;

These students are required only to take the final examination at the Law College and attend the Practical Training Course and serve the period of apprenticeship.

The Barristers of England, Scotland and Ireland are required to take only Civil Procedure & Pleadings I & II, Law of Property I & II, Revenue Law, Industrial Law and Commercial Law-I. They will also be required to attend the Practical Training Course and serve the period of apprenticeship except in the case of those who have served a period of pupilage in the United Kingdom to be eligible to apply for the Supreme Court for the purpose of admission to the Bar in Sri Lanka.
