Understanding Sri Lankan Law: A Comprehensive Overview

Sri Lanka is a beautiful country located in South Asia. It has a rich culture and history, and is known for its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes. However, like all countries, Sri Lanka has its own set of laws and regulations that govern its citizens. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Sri Lankan law.

The Legal System in Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka has a mixed legal system, which means that it is influenced by both common law and civil law. The legal system in Sri Lanka is based on the British common law system, which was introduced during the British colonial period. However, it also incorporates elements of Roman-Dutch law, which was brought to the country by the Dutch during their period of colonial rule.

The Constitution of Sri Lanka:

The Constitution of Sri Lanka is the supreme law of the country. It was adopted in 1978 and has been amended several times since then. The Constitution sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms of Sri Lankan citizens, as well as the structure and powers of the government. It also establishes the three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judiciary.

The Legislative Branch:

The legislative branch of the Sri Lankan government is the Parliament. It consists of 225 members, who are elected by the people. The Parliament is responsible for making laws and overseeing the work of the government.

The Executive Branch:

The executive branch of the Sri Lankan government is headed by the President. The President is elected by the people and is responsible for appointing the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws.

The Judiciary:

The judiciary is the third branch of the Sri Lankan government. It is responsible for interpreting and applying the law. The highest court in Sri Lanka is the Supreme Court, which has the power to hear appeals from lower courts and to interpret the Constitution.

Laws in Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka has a wide range of laws that cover various areas of life. Some of the most important laws in Sri Lanka include:

Criminal Law: Criminal law in Sri Lanka covers a range of offenses, from minor crimes such as theft and assault to more serious crimes such as murder and drug trafficking.

Family Law: Family law in Sri Lanka covers issues related to marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance.

Property Law: Property law in Sri Lanka covers the ownership and transfer of land, buildings, and other types of property.

Labour Law: Labour law in Sri Lanka covers the rights of workers and employers, including issues related to wages, working hours, and safety at work.


Sri Lankan law is a complex and multifaceted system that governs the lives of its citizens. While this article provides a brief overview of the legal system in Sri Lanka, there is much more to learn about the laws and regulations that apply in this country. If you are a citizen of Sri Lanka or plan to visit the country, it is important to familiarize yourself with the legal system and the laws that apply to you.